Saturday, February 9, 2019


Just received confirmation that "Lemons Basking" was accepted for exhibition in the Annual International Open Exhibition for the Northwest Watercolor Society's upcoming exhibit, April 29 through July 11, 2019 at the Shoreline City Hall lobby, Shoreline WA.  I am truly excited by this and will definitely be in attendance at the opening on April 29, assuming around 630 to 7 pm start.

Keep painting. Ron K

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Seeking the Light

It is amazing that after years of painting and teaching that i am still pursuing the elusive "light". Understanding a principle is not the same as being able to execute it. In Lemons Basking i am closer and feel like a made progress. i have "the big apple" in process and am again working on the light pattern so let us hope...also, i am trying to balance the desire to have interesting and complex brush strokes with an uncomplicated technique. Confusing? yes. I want energy in the brush strokes but a few of my studies were way over-worked. so now going back to the shadow shapes as starting point and balancing simplicity with some complexity. hope to have something to show by weeks end.
Keep painting. Ron K